What is a Drama Channel?
On Youtube there are individuals who set up videos as a place for commentary and to share opinions about the lives of beauty influencers. There are also channels that specialize is covering celebrity gossip and news. You can follow the most popular youtubers and see them post instagram stories as well as have discussions on Twitter. If you like makeup, cosmetics and beauty then you will discover a small group of vloggers who make a living talking about other beauty youtubers who have millions of followers. The idea is to get more views and subscribers by using hashtags, keywords and similar titles on videos. Many of the pre-recorder content will cover controversy and mistakes that have happened over a period of time.
Because people like to hear about what is happening in the rumor mill there is plenty of interaction and discussions going on about brands, relationships and speculation. Due to the frenzy that many of these superfans can create the social media managers have to learn ways to calm down a bunch of passionate contributors to avoid things from getting out of control.
Makeup tutorials is a way for an digital media creator to showcase makeup artistry and to also recommend various cosmetic brands to a dedicated audience. Brand owned and user generated influential creator community. Some viral categories include. Skincare, Male grooming, Hairstyling tips, indie beauty brands collaborations. Morphe cosmetics helped youtubers start their own makeup lines.
The origin of drama channels
Most of the stuff that you read about in tabloids come from journalists and paparazzi who follow celebrities and discuss their lifestyles. Whenever a famous person gets in trouble it usually will make headlines and when it does lots of fans will share their opinions about what happened. Celebrities get drunk at a party, they cheat on their spouses, they get divorced, some even get arrested. Just think of someone you like from musicians, singers, bands, models, and film actors. When they live life and make a mistake their are people their to take note and turn it into a viral moment.
Mass media and publicist realize that controversy sells and when people are talking it is good business. Agents have noticed that when a famous person gets into trouble in the public eye it can cause a reall frenzy of news
reporters writing articles. That content gets plenty of traffic and viewers. Now that the formula is set it is easy to replicate and manufacture a fiction scenerio that will attract the same kind of buzz.
So many beauty influencers need to get attention so they will do elaborate schemes for social media. Once this catches fire then it can be hard to slow down the commotion that behavior causes. Drama channels make a living talking about and making videos of problematic personalities on Youtube. Some of these channels receive millions of views and can earn the vlogger thousands of dollars a month.